Lilim - Victory Worship | Karaoke Minus One (Good Quality)

Lilim - Victory Worship | Karaoke Minus One (Good Quality)

Lilim by Victory Worship as performed Live at Every Nation Philippines    • Victory Worship - Lilim (Official Liv...   This song was performed live with just the Piano and Acoustic guitar. I have rearranged it to have the full band for this karaoke minus one. Let me know if you want to use in your cover video, church service or gatherings. Don't forget to comment for song suggestions and encouragements to everyone. God bless you all. Song key: E Music made with Logic Pro X and Final Cut Pro Created by Antonio Serrano Jr. You are free to use my karaoke for your covers or church meetings as long as you put these lines in your description: ============================ Karaoke provided by Worship Jamz    / @worshipjamzkaraoke     / worshipjamz   / antonioserranojr   ============================ Subscribe for more updates. I need your help for song suggestions. Please comment them below. #worship #karaoke #christian #lyrics #instrumental #gospel #hillsong #bethel #backing #track #praise #minus Words & Music by Bea Barlaan, Lee Simon Brown, Ann Del Rosario & Joshua Gayanelo