Sunday Worship Jan. 19th, 2025
Welcome to the First Presbyterian Church of Elizabeth. We are a group of believers who strive to be a witness of God’s love and salvation to our community. It is our intention to inspire, teach and bless all who are in attendance either in person or online. We are in the middle of a sermon series which coincides with the new year entitled RESTART: 8 Ways to Help When Facing Something New. We come to the powerful moment of Passover in the life of God's people. What is the purpose of ritual? As we face change in our lives, let us discover the power of repetition and obedience. We observe a blended style of worship, incorporating contemporary music and communication styles as well as remembering our heritage by singing hymns, reading the scripture and preaching the gospel. Worship music in today’s service include the contemporary Christian songs The Heart of Worship and Same God as well as the classic Christian hymns O Worship the King, Grace Greater Than Our Sin as well as the traditional Doxology. We meet at 11:00 AM for our weekly Sunday Worship Service. We are always honored that you are worshipping our Lord and Savior with us. May God bless us all as we strive to make a difference for the kingdom in this community. During the week our office is open Tuesday and Wednesday from 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM. If you are interested in joining us in ministry as a congregant or as a member of our technology and/or ministry teams simply call or email us. We are currently in need of a Children’s Ministry director, vocalists and sound techs as well as other positions on our tech team. Our contact page: https://www.fpcelizabeth.org/visit. If God has gifted you in any of these areas we invite you to help us make a difference for Christ in our community. Note: Audio will begin when we start of the service. All songs used with Permission through our CCLI Copyright License #1707014 • Streaming License (Plus) #11694686