Rabi Ul Awal Mubarak | Kheer | Puri | Daal Chawal | Rabi Ul Awal Mubarak Vlog | Nadia’s Vlog’s |

Rabi Ul Awal Mubarak | Kheer | Puri | Daal Chawal | Rabi Ul Awal Mubarak Vlog | Nadia’s Vlog’s |

In this special vlog, we celebrate the blessed occasion of **12 Rabi ul Awal**, the birth of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), with a heartwarming family gathering. Watch as we prepare delicious traditional dishes, including **kheer, puri, and dal chawal**. The day is filled with joy, spirituality, and love as we come together to commemorate this sacred day. Join us in the kitchen as we show the full process of making these mouthwatering dishes from scratch. The sweet and creamy *kheer* adds a delightful touch to the meal, while the soft, golden *puri* pairs perfectly with the comforting **dal chawal**. From food preparation to the final serving, we share our special moments and the significance of this blessed occasion. Stay tuned for more vlogs and recipes, and don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more content! *Wishing everyone a blessed 12 Rabi ul Awal!* --- *Hashtags:* #RabiUlAwal #12RabiUlAwal #EidMiladUnNabi #MiladUnNabi #KheerRecipe #PuriRecipe #DalChawal #ProphetMuhammad #IslamicCelebration #TraditionalFood #FamilyVlog #IslamicVlog #CookingVlog #RabiUlAwalVlog #BlessedDay #IslamicFood *Tags:* 12 Rabi ul Awal, Eid Milad un Nabi, Rabi ul Awal vlog, kheer recipe, puri recipe, dal chawal recipe, Prophet Muhammad birthday, Islamic celebration, Islamic food vlog, Muslim family vlog, Rabi ul Awal special, Milad un Nabi vlog, traditional food for Rabi ul Awal, Rabi ul Awal 2024, Rabi ul Awal cooking, Islamic cooking, food vlog, homemade kheer, family vlog, Pakistani food, Indian food, 12 Rabi ul Awal recipes, blessed day celebrations