Marvel Legends Mantis from Guardians of the Galaxy 3 Unboxing and Review
What's up nerds? Scott Solo here unboxing the Marvel Legends Mantis Action Figure from Guardians of the Galaxy 3! Merchandise available here: https://sarlacc-digest-podcast.creato... Stands available here: https://www.toschestationemporium.com/ #OneMinuteToyReview #ForYou #fyp #ForYouPage #80sKid #GenX #UnBoxing #UnboxingToys #ToyReview #Review #Podcast #KeepItNerdy #guardiansofthegalaxy #Hasbro #MarvelLegends #Groot #Starlord #Drax #Mantis #Nebula #Rocket #AdamWarlock #Kraglin #Cosmo Check it out and #KeepItNerdy! Like and subscribe to see more One Minute Toy Reviews!