Batman: Arkham Knight - Full Game Walkthrough in 4K 60fps [120% Knightmare]

Batman: Arkham Knight - Full Game Walkthrough in 4K 60fps [120% Knightmare]

Batman: Arkham Knight Full Movie Walkthrough / Guide Video in New Game Plus Knightmare Difficulty 120% Completion with all Most Wanted side missions, boss fights and full Knightfall ending (Riddler trophies already collected and upgrades unlocked) - 4K 60 fps [Played on PC at max settings] Batman Full Games Videos Playlist:    • Batman Full Game Walkthrough Videos   ► YOUTUBE:    / batmanarkhamvideos   ► DISCORD:   / discord   ► TWITTER:   / arkhamvideos   ► INSTAGRAM:   / arkhamvideos   ► FACEBOOK:   / batmanarkhamnews   INTRODUCTION 0:00 "Previously on..." & Prologue CHAPTER 1: IT'S GOING TO BE A LONG NIGHT... 6:33 STORY: Evening the Odds 30:52 Riddler's Revenge (Challenge #1) 36:11 The Perfect Crime (Victim #1 - #2) 41:02 The Line of Duty (Firefighter #1 - #2) 44:03 STORY: The Clock Tower 52:25 STORY: Falcone Shipping Yard CHAPTER 2: PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE 58:48 STORY: ACE Chemicals CHAPTER 3: IT IS DANGEROUS OUT THERE 1:39:33 ACE Chemicals Explosion 1:42:01 The Line of Duty (Firefighter #3 - #6) 1:52:39 STORY: Escort Gordon at the Clock Tower 1:58:52 STORY: The Killing Joke 2:05:28 Wonderland (Mad Hatter) 2:29:36 STORY: Tracking Barbara Gordon 2:30:19 Militia Side-Missions 2:34:13 STORY: Lowering Mercy Bridge in Miagani Island 2:38:20 The Perfect Crime (Victim #3 - #4) 2:42:10 STORY: Pinkney Orphanage 2:47:47 Creature of the Night (Man-Bat #1) 2:55:46 Riddler's Revenge (Challenge #2) 3:02:16 Militia Side-Missions 3:07:07 STORY: Car Crash Scene Investigation 3:12:02 Gotham on Fire #1 3:14:41 Heir to the Cowl #1 3:17:49 The Line of Duty (Firefighter #7 - #10) 3:24:34 STORY: Meeting Lucius Fox at Wayne Tower 3:31:03 Riddler's Revenge (Challenge #3 - #6) 3:52:44 STORY: Miagani Tunnel 4:07:10 Shadow War (Ra's al Ghul) 4:31:30 Gotham on Fire #2 4:34:00 Militia Side-Missions 4:35:03 STORY: North Refrigeration 4:52:32 Militia Side-Missions 4:53:50 Beneath the Surface (Killer Croc) 5:15:22 Militia Side-Missions CHAPTER 4: PREY THAT NO LONGER FEARS YOU 5:26:44 STORY: Stagg Airships CHAPTER 5: TONIGHT ENDS WITH GOTHAM'S FALL 6:01:04 STORY: Barbara's Fate 6:06:31 Creature of the Night (Man-Bat #2) 6:09:24 Militia Side-Missions 6:11:46 STORY: Visiting Poison Ivy at the GCPD Lockup 6:18:58 Militia Side-Missions 6:26:59 Heir to the Cowl #2 6:29:19 Militia Side-Missions 6:38:57 Gunrunner #2 6:47:01 Heir to the Cowl #3 6:49:38 Two-Faced Bandit #1 6:52:37 Heir to the Cowl #4 - #5 (Azrael Finale) 7:01:21 STORY: Releasing Ivy's Plant on Miagani Island 7:09:25 The Line of Duty (Firefighter #11 - #14) 7:17:50 Two-Faced Bandit #2 7:21:39 Militia Side-Missions 7:25:07 Two-Faced Bandit #3 (Two-Face Finale) 7:30:29 STORY: Gaining access to Founders' Island 7:51:16 Militia Side-Missions 7:54:17 The Perfect Crime (Victim #5 - #6 & Professor Pyg Fight) 8:09:30 Gunrunner #3 8:16:41 Militia Side-Missions 8:18:37 The Line of Duty (Firefighter #15 - Finale: Chief Underhill) 8:30:02 Militia Side-Missions 8:38:11 Riddler's Revenge (Challenge #7) 8:44:53 Gotham on Fire #3 (Firefly Finale) CHAPTER 6: SOME KIND OF BAT TRICK 8:50:35 STORY: Harley Quinn at the Movie Studios 9:04:07 STORY: Christina Bell 9:12:42 STORY: Albert King 9:21:36 STORY: Johnny Charisma 9:38:29 STORY: Henry Adams CHAPTER 7: NATURE ALWAYS WINS 9:51:52 STORY: Batmobile Upgrade at the Movie Studios 9:53:23 Militia Side-Missions 10:09:07 Creature of the Night (Man-Bat Finale) 10:19:26 Militia Side-Missions 10:25:32 Riddler's Revenge (Challenge #8) 10:31:45 In From the Cold (Mr. Freeze) 10:49:21 Friend in Need (Hush) 10:56:17 STORY: City of Fear 11:29:17 STORY: Cloudburst Tank Fight CHAPTER 8: CRIPPLED BY FEAR 11:46:40 STORY: Arkham Knight HQ 12:04:26 STORY: Excavator Fight 12:11:08 STORY: Arkham Knight Boss Fight CHAPTER 9: THE DIE IS CAST 12:26:56 STORY: Protecting Oracle 12:40:58 Militia Side-Missions (Deathstroke Introduction) 12:47:42 Lamb to the Slaughter (Deacon Blackfire) 12:53:00 Gunrunner #4 13:00:46 Militia Side-Mission 13:03:20 Gunrunner #5 (Penguin Finale) 13:16:50 Riddler's Revenge (Challenge #9) 13:24:34 Militia Side-Missions 13:26:57 Riddler's Revenge (Challenge #10 - #11) 13:37:37 Riddler's Revenge (Finale - Riddler Boss Fight) 13:50:06 STORY: Assault on GCPD 14:09:31 Militia Side-Missions 14:25:05 Militia Side-Mission (Deathstroke Boss Fight) 14:33:35 STORY: Arkham Asylum CHAPTER 10: KNIGHTFALL 15:03:11 ENDING: The Knightfall Protocol 15:18:08 End Credits #Batman #BatmanArkham #ArkhamKnight #BatmanArkhamKnight ABOUT THIS CHANNEL Batman Arkham Videos is a fan channel dedicated to bringing you the latest news and guides from the Batman Arkham franchise. This channel is in no way associated with Rocksteady or Warner Bros. ABOUT BATMAN ARKHAM KNIGHT As the united forces of Gotham's supervillains take control of the City, the Dark Knight unleashes the all new transformable Batmobile in the explosive finale to the Arkham trilogy.