Introduction to Accounting | Class 11 | Accounts | Part 2

Introduction to Accounting | Class 11 | Accounts | Part 2

Introduction to Accounting | Class 11 | Accounts | Part 2 This video covers : 1. Branches of Accounting 2. Advantages of Accounting 3. Limitations of Accounting Watch out this video and clear up all your concepts guys! ❤️ If you get any doubt or face any issue, feel free to ask in the comments section !! ❤️ Like, share and subscribe krna mt bhulna! Connect with me on other social networks too : Instagram : Main account :   / kavyaaggarwal_17   Art account :   / artist_kavya17   Facebook : Twitter : Snapchat : #accounts #accounts11 #introductiontoaccounting #class11commerce #meaningofaccounting #featuresofaccounting #accountingprocess #objectivesof ccounting Stay Happy, Stay Connected! Thanks for watching :))