Opening to Castle in the Sky VHS (2003)
Tape distributor: Walt Disney Home Entertainment Original release date: April 15, 2003 Catalog number: 12723 Tape print date: April 21, 2003 Duplicated by Technicolor Home Entertainment Services Contents: 1. Blue FBI Warnings (2000-2003) 2. Walt Disney Home Entertainment logo 3. Coming Soon to Theaters 4. Finding Nemo trailer 5. Coming Soon to Own on Video & DVD 6. Atlantis: Milo's Return trailer 7. Stitch! The Movie trailer 8. Bionicle - Mask of Light: The Movie trailer 9. Now Available to Own on Video & DVD 10. Spirited Away trailer 11. Kiki's Delivery Service trailer 12. Feature Presentation 13. Studio Ghibli logo 14. Start of the film