Building a Cedar Birdhouse with Side Door
Building bird house from cedar wood and using penofin oil as finish. The middle part is moving, to allow access to the interior, for cleaning purposes when the season is over. I didn't apply any finish on the interior so birds will have natural wood inside. The house was mounted with slight angle, so the entrance will face slightly downward, to ease the fledglings get out when time comes. Off camera: I drilled 4 holes, on the bottom of the house for trapped water to escape and ventilation purposes. Birdhouse cleaning: Once breeding season is over ( around mid August ), it's time to clean the birdhouse by removing the old nesting material and scrub it with a one part bleach, nine parts water. Links: Bird house plans were taken from the following website: https://nichoirs.net/ #birdhouse #houseforbirds #nestingbox 0:00 Bird House Plan and Piece Cutting 1:40 Making the Middle Piece Movable 2:14 Wood Filler and Sanding 2:34 Penofin Oil Application 3:08 Mounting Preparation 3:15 Side Lock Install 3:50 Mounting the Bird House 4:09 Cost and Time Breakdown