24th Sunday After Pentecost | November 12, 2023

24th Sunday After Pentecost | November 12, 2023

Our worship service at Ebenezer as well on Zoom was led by Tissa Jayasinghe and Rev. Nicholas Forrester with Diane McLean for Sunday School, Margaret Tribe and choir for music, Susan Ryman for the slides, and James Tribe, Shaun Balasubramaniam, and Doug Mark for our audiovisual and broadcast support. Special thanks to Vernon Clarke for today's prayers of the people. ♫ Prelude “Jesus, Name Above All Names” by Naida Hearn Lighting of the Christ Candle & Fellowship Candles Welcome & Announcements ♫ Chimes Margaret Tribe *Call to Worship (Worship Leader, People, All) ♫ Hymn of Praise “O Worship the King” VU #: 235 Confession (Responsive) (Worship Leader, People, All) Assurance of Pardon (Minister, All) ♫ The Lord’s Prayer (In unison) OHP ♫ Song for the Young “Give Me Oil In My Lamp” OHP (Children are welcome to go with Diane McLean and “Helper” to classrooms 1&2 for a Sunday School program.) Prayer for Understanding (Worship Leader) Scripture Readings Joshua 24:1–3a, 14–25 (NRSVUE) The Tribes Renew the Covenant https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/... Matthew 25:1–13 (NRSVUE) The Parable of the Ten Bridesmaids https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/... Sermon “Discipleship That Matters” Rev. Nicholas Forrester ♫ Hymn of Response “O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee” VU #: 560 Prayers of the People (with Vernon) ♫ Choral Response “Lord Listen to Your Children …” VU #: 400 Invitation to the Offering (Worship Leader) Stewardship Second Offering Our Gifts ♫ Offertory Hymn “In Gratitude and Humble Trust” VU #: 544 Prayer of Dedication (Minister) ♫ Closing Hymn “Take Time to Be Holy” VU #: 672 *Benediction (Rev. Forrester) (Please stand as you are able) ♫ “Go Now in Peace” by Nancy Price and Don Besig ♫ Postlude “Fur Elise” by Beethoven Acknowledgements: Respectfully adapted from the following resources: The United Church of Canada @ https://www.united-church.ca/worship; The Presbyterian Church in Canada @ https://presbyterian.ca/worship/; United Church of Christ Worship Ways @ https://www.ucc.org/worship_worship-w... Spirit Networks @ http://www.spirit-net.ca/sermons/year... and The United Methodist Church Ministry Matters @ https://www.ministrymatters.com/worship/. Ebenezer United Church Markham, Ontario Canada https://ebenezeronline.ca/ Subscribe to our Ebenezer United Church - eNews https://us10.list-manage.com/subscrib...