카더가든 - 나무 Cover

카더가든 - 나무 Cover

여러분 안녕하세요! 새 해 복 많이 받으세요💛 지난 겨울 또 바빠져가지고 한동안 영상 작업을 하지 못했었는데, 이제 조금 여유가 생겨서 영상 작업을 다시 해보려고 합니다 늘 봐주시는 분들 감사합니다💕 Happy new year everybody💕 I hope this year will be an amazing year despite all the struggles we got through last year Because I was so occupied with my work and study, I was not able to upload videos for a while But now I got more room to work on it, I decided to restart uploading videos Thank you so much for your watching and warm support which actually means a lot to me💕 Hopefully see you soon with the next video😊 皆さんあけましておめでとうございます🎉 今年もよろしくお願いいたします💛 今年が皆様に良い年になりますよう祈らせていただきます。 どうか、皆ざまの健康が守られますよう祈っております🙏 私の動画をご覧になってくださり、ありがとうございます! 今年も、色々成長する自分を見せることができればと願います! The instrumental music for this video was provided by B B factory on youtube The instrumental music is available at Many thanks to B B factory for letting me use its music💕