Quick ulcer pain relief | 7 Natural Remedies for Ulcers

Quick ulcer pain relief | 7 Natural Remedies for Ulcers

Quick ulcer pain relief | 7 Natural Remedies for Ulcers "Onions Stock up on onions! They might give you gas, but they also prevent the growth of ulcer-causing bacteria that can increase your risk of gastritis (stomach inflammation) and, over time, lead to stomach cancer. Add sliced onion to salads and sandwiches, or toss them into stir-fries, fajitas, and pastas—just avoid frying, which can upset your stomach. BUY NOW See Also: What Are Stomach Ulcers? Yogurt Everyone’s wild for yogurt these days, and for good reason: Most yogurts contain active cultures, lactobacillus and bifidobacterium, that can help digestion by balancing out bad bacteria with good bacteria. If you’re on antibiotics, these yogurts can be especially helpful: They replenish the good bacteria that your meds have eliminated from your body, preventing diarrhea." #HomeremediesLife#homeremedy #quickulcerpainrelief