DIY a4 origami envelope for gift card? Easy paper envelope making tutorial | 如何折禮物信封

DIY a4 origami envelope for gift card? Easy paper envelope making tutorial | 如何折禮物信封

Learn how to wrap a gift card with simple origami envelope without any glue tape. This step by step tutorial offers an easy way to make a rectangular envelope at home by folding A4 sheet paper. Handmade this awesome envelope to give your friends or dear ones the gift cards on holidays like valentines day or Christmas. 【Wrap!Sir】Origami Envelope Tutorial -07 Envelope Making Material: A4 sheet paper Reference size: Paper size = A4 paper, Envelope size= 14cm × 9.3cm 🎁 SUBSCRIBE to get more elegant and creative gift wrapping ideas:    / @wrapsir_giftwrapping   ☞ 【Simple gift wrapping for beginner】:    • Basic Gift Wrapping   ☞ 【Creative gift wrap for holidays】:    • Creative Gift Wrapping for Holidays   ☞ 【Irregular gift box wrapping ideas】:    • Irregular shaped gift box wrapping ideas   ☞ 【Gift ribbon bow tutorial】:    • How to tie a gift ribbon bow?   ☞ 【Origami envelope tutorial】:    • Origami Envelope Tutorial   #envelope #Origami #信封折法 【禮盒先生】信封折法教程 07 禮盒先生教妳怎麽折簡單又漂亮的禮物信封