MY PATREON (FULL REACTION PART, AT LEAST ONE WEEK SOONER, NO ADDS) : / laurareactions Hello ! Before the episode, I was already feeling melancholic because it's the last season I will watch, and sad, stressed, excited… A lot of emotions, which were even higher during the episode. Beginning with Aang : he has hair now ? The time jump was a good idea, to explain the changes for Zuko (even if I would have prefered to see the relationship with Mai being built, to fall for it). Big emotional episode for me here : I cried for Zuko who met his father and was manipulated (again) by his sister, for Aang who is just reliving all of what he lived in season 1 and was feeling guilty of, for Katara who confessed to her father that she felt like he abandoned her… We didn't even see Iroh, his name was not pronounced, they just mentioned him and I was feeling bad. Like, we just saw ducks and I was crying. I'm still french, so I'm still sorry if my english hurts you. My Twitter : / reactionslaura