Elok Hsu is an artist and youtuber from Indonesia. Occupation: Actress, Student Birthday: October 17 Help support my Reaction Videos: PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/ElokHsu Patreon: / elokhsu Official Merchandise: https://elok-hsu.creator-spring.com/ SUBSCRIBER COUNT: 7,000 SUBSCRIBER GOAL: 10,000 Patron: 1. Gary McKirchy (G MaC) 💗💗💗 2. Michael Henry 💗💗💗 3. Leonard Charley 💗💗💗 4. Polski21twelve 💗💗💗 5. Stephen Gould 💗💗💗 6. Lowell Scott 💗💗💗 7. Kelly Walsh 💗💗💗 8. Jim Reeves 💗💗💗 9. John Jennings 💗💗💗 PayPal: 1. Gary McKirchy (G MaC) 💗💗💗 2. Greg Fitzgerald 💗💗💗 3. Manlio Yllades 💗💗💗 4. Salvador Saucedo (Metalmadman) 💗💗💗 5. Yevgrafov Sergey 💗💗💗 6. Terry Bowman 💗💗💗 7. Chris Hoffman 💗💗💗 8. Sean Herskowitz 💗💗💗 9. Barry Roberts 💗💗💗 10. Michael Henry 💗💗💗 11. John Pecusa 💗💗💗 12. Anthony Pope 💗💗💗 13. John Keegan 💗💗💗 14. Anthony Shelton 💗💗💗 15. Mike Shaw 💗💗💗 16. Leonard Charley 💗💗💗 17. Bjørnar Senstad 💗💗💗 18. Keith Gredig 💗💗💗 19. Kenneth Lear 💗💗💗 20. Barry D. Counts 💗💗💗 21. Michael Borczuch 💗💗💗 22. Paul Skinner 💗💗💗 23. Chris S. 💗💗💗 24. Robert Miranda 💗💗💗 25. Tony Shelton 💗💗💗 Connect with me! 📲Instagram: / elokhsu 👤Facebook: / elok.hsu 🐤Twitter: / elokhsu Visit my Channel to see more content: / @elokhsu 📩Business Inquiries ONLY: [email protected] WA: +61 468918194 #Heart #Alone #Reaction #ElokHsu #InAction #Vlog #Live #Review #ClassicRock