15 Minute Morning Pronunciation Practice for English Learners

15 Minute Morning Pronunciation Practice for English Learners

Do this 15-minute pronunciation practice every morning before you start your day, or before an important meeting, and you’ll feel the difference. Did you like this exercise? Get 3 more Sprints with more exercises just like this for FREE: https://bit.ly/3CeLMnC Want 30 more sprints to warm up with every single day? Become a Sprint Master today 👉 https://bit.ly/3qnnzVO Set yourself up for success using daily articulation and speech exercises to make your pronunciation effortless and to be more clear in English! 🧘 And don't forget to end your day with my 5-Minute PRONUNCIATION RELAXATION:    • 5 min daily pronunciation practice fo...   🔴SUBSCRIBE to my channel: https://goo.gl/ixh4b3 Listen to my Podcast 🎧: https://bit.ly/3oYNOCf Let’s connect on Instagram ♥️: https://bit.ly/2M4Tg2R ✨Find me on TIKTOK https://bit.ly/3pVBiUr FREE stuff to give you the confidence and fluency boost you need: 🚀Join our community on Facebook and practice https://hadarshemesh.com/in 🚀American Accent crash course: https://hadarshemesh.com/cc 🚀50 of the most mispronounced words in English https://hadarshemesh.com/ms Free American Pronunciation Guides for: ============================ 🚀Spanish speakers: https://hadarshemesh.com/sp 🚀Hindi and Urdu speakers https://hadarshemesh.com/hi 🚀Brazilian Portuguese speakers: https://hadarshemesh.com/br 🚀Russian speakers: https://hadarshemesh.com/ru 🚀Chinese speakers https://hadarshemesh.com/ch 🚀Korean speakers https://hadarshemesh.com/ko 🚀Arabic speakers https://hadarshemesh.com/ar 🚀Japanese speakers https://hadarshemesh.com/jp ⏱️Check out my SPRINTS - Effective Practice to boost your vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation: Sprint 1 https://hadarshemesh.com/spr1 Sprint 2 https://hadarshemesh.com/spr2 Sprint 3 https://hadarshemesh.com/spr3 Morning Pronunciation Routine    • 15 Minute Morning Pronunciation Pract...   Let's Stay Connected:👇🏼 📢Website: https://hadarshemesh.com 📷INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/2M4Tg2R ♥️FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/2PrtB6p 🗄️Linkedin   / hadarshemesh   📧EMAIL: [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Learn with me 🤝: 👉Become a Sprint Master (30 days of Sprints): https://bit.ly/3qnnzVO 👉Get on the list to join my transformational program: https://hadarshemesh.com/newsound/ NEW HERE? 🔥Get started with those helpful lessons: №1 STRATEGY of how to become FLUENT in English    • #1 STRATEGY to become FLUENT in Engli...   Want to improve your speaking vocabulary? STOP LEARNING NEW WORDS✋    • Want to improve your speaking vocabul...   My pronunciation playlist: https://bit.ly/39nh0ub How to improve your listening skills:    • How to Improve Your Listening Skills ...   Sound like a native - the myth:    • Speak English Like A Native Speaker -...   How to stop translating in your head: 5-steps to get stuck LESS and speak FASTER in English    • How to stop translating in your head:...   How to stay MOTIVATED when learning ENGLISH    • How to stay MOTIVATED when learning E...   Do you change your voice when you speak English? Here’s why    • Do you change your voice when you spe...   American INTONATION - What They don't Teach You in School    • American English INTONATION - How to ...   10 ways to DESTROY your English Fluency    • 10 ways to DESTROY your English Fluency   #morningpronunciationpractice #englishroutine #pronunciationwarmup