17th Sunday after Pentecost  •  September 24, 2023

17th Sunday after Pentecost • September 24, 2023

Welcome to worship with First UMC Santa Monica! We count it a blessing that you are joining us today. To find out more about this community of faith, go to: https://santamonicaumc.org/ Today's Order of Worship: https://santamonicaumc.org/wp-content... Let's Connect / New Visitor Sign In: https://santamonicaumc.org/new-visito... Prayer Requests: https://santamonicaumc.org/prayer-req... Thank you for participating online! Consider a donation to keep this feature in place: https://santamonicaumc.org/give Hymns Used by Permission: CCLI Streaming License: 4034411 ------------------------- Welcome Tricia Guerrero Prelude Adagio Molto Sonata No. 3 (Alexandre Guilmant) Ty Woodward, organ *Processional Hymn #698 United Methodist Hymnal – God of the Ages *Call To Worship Kate Beckerman, Lay Lector We give thanks to the living God for all the gifts we enjoy: For the beauty and wonder of creation in earth, and sky, and sea, For all that is gracious in the lives of women and men, revealing the image of Christ, For our daily food and drink, our homes and families, and our friends, For health and strength to work and leisure to rest and play, For challenges that call forth new strength and for encouragement to persevere, For all who have gone before us, for those who walk beside us, and for all your children, precious unto you, we give you thanks and praise, O God! *Choral Act of Praise “The Lord has done great things for us, the Lord has done great things for us, we are glad! We are glad! We are glad!” Children's Message Dot Plukas #2233 The Faith We Sing — Where Children Belong This, this is where children belong, welcomed as part of the worshiping throng. Water, God’s word, bread and cup, prayer and song: This is where children belong. As the congregation sings, all children are invited to come forward. I Am a Child of God I am a child of God; You are God’s child, it’s true. Children of God are called to love one another, as Jesus taught to do. As the congregation sings, the children may go to Sunday School in Room 206. Our Mission & Common Life Todd Erlandson, Lay Leadership Team We give thanks for God’s Creating Spirit that continues to give us life and lead us forward! Thanks be to God! The Lesson 2 Corinthians 5:16-20 (Pew Bible page 170 N.T.) Kate Beckerman The Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God! Sermon “REVIVE—The Energy of New Creation!” Rev. Patricia Farris Invitation to Prayer #334 UMH – Sweet, Sweet Spirit There’s a sweet, sweet spirit in this place, And I know that it’s the spirit of the Lord; Refrain: Sweet Holy Spirit, Sweet Heavenly Dove, Stay right here with us, Filling us with Your love, And for these blessings We lift our hearts in praise, Without a doubt we’ll know That we have been revived When we shall leave this place. There are sweet expressions on each face, And I know they feel the presence of the Lord. Refrain: Sweet Holy Spirit, Sweet Heavenly Dove, Stay right here with us, Filling us with Your love, And for these blessings We lift our hearts in praise, Without a doubt we’ll know That we have been revived When we shall leave this place. Listening for the Voice of God Tricia Guerrero Silent Prayer and Pastoral Prayer The Lord's Prayer Choral Response We Offer Our Gifts & Ourselves Todd Erlandson Your continued financial support of the church is now more important than ever. You may place gifts of cash or checks made out to “First UMC” in the offering plates as they are passed. You may also mail your gift to the church or drop it into the mail slot of our offices any day of the week. Or, you may also give online at www.santamonicaumc.org/give, or mail checks through your online banking programs. You may continue to earmark gifts for our various mission projects. May God grow in us generous and joyful hearts. Thank you. Offertory The Chancel Choir/Dr. James Smith, Music Director Psalm 150 (César Franck) *Response #94 UMH — The Doxology *Unison Prayer of Dedication Todd Erlandson Gracious God, in your goodness you pour out on your people all that they need, and satisfy those who persist in prayer. Move our hearts to praise your goodness by sharing with others. Make us bold in asking, tireless in seeking, joyful in finding, thankful in receiving, and generous in giving, following Christ our Lord. Amen. *Closing Hymn Revive Us Again *Benediction Rev. Farris *Benediction Response Postlude Now Thank We All Our God (J. S. Bach /arr. Virgil Fox) Ty Woodward