लग्न में केतु का फल Ketu In 1st House #Short सप्तम भाव में केतु का फल | Ketu In 7th House
ketu 1st house ketu 1st house rahu 7th house ketu 1st house navamsa ketu 1st house lal kitab ketu 1st house rahu 7th house tamil ketu 1st house in hindi ketu 1st house remedies ketu 1st house transit lagna ketu 1st house ketu in 1st house tamil lagn me ketu makar lagna me ketu vrishchik lagna me ketu mithun lagna me ketu mesh lagna me ketu kanya lagna me ketu लग्न में केतु का फल singh lagna me ketu ka fal kark lagna me ketu kumbh lagna me ketu Should Ketu sit in your first house in the horoscope, you would have quite a mysterious personality. People struggle to understand your ways. There is often a double meaning in what you say. You are usually endowed with a magnetic persona. You are likely to take up a lot of travel to fulfill a sense of adventure in life. You should avoid keeping bad company though. There is a strong tendency to become self-centered and greedy at times. If badly afflicted, Ketu can also affect one's health and stamina. Moreover, the person may lose his position and have a miserable life. People with bad Ketu in 1st house also lack self-confidence and courage. This position of Ketu also gives the native psychic abilities and strong intuition. It can affect the longevity of the person in some cases. Due to #Trelokeshwar_Mahanarayan_Chandigarh Learn Online Vaidic astrology. Kp astrology. Gamini astrology. Neumrology. Palmistry then Contact Whatsapp OR E-mail. Number. Kundali Consultant For Only Whatsapp Massage Don't Call Without Appointment E-mail. [email protected] Office Contact Whatsapp No. 6201445978 केतु लग्न में लग्न में केतु का प्रभाव Ketu In 1st House Astrology Ketu Lagn Mein Kya fal dega Ketu pratham bhav mei #KetuInAscendantHouse #KetuIn1stHous3VaidicAstrology #KetuKaLagnMeEffect #KetuPrathambhavmenfal #KetuLalkitabmekyafaldega केतु का सप्तम भाव में प्रभाव विवाह के घर में केतु का फल ketu 7th house ketu 7th house navamsa ketu 7th house hindi ketu 7th house marriage ketu 7th house tamil ketu 7 ketu 7th house remedies ketu 7th ketu 7 sinhala ketu in 7th house ketu in 7th house in navamsa chart ketu in 7th house marriage ketu in 7th house tamil ketu in 7th house lal kitab Qketu in 7th house remedies ketu in 7th house in hindi ketu in 7th house scorpio ascendant ketu in 7th house telugu ketu in 7th house in tula lagna #Trelokeshwar_Mahanarayan_KetuIn7thHouseInVaidicAstrology_Astrologer_Shashi_Bhaskar