LIVE 5 Interesting GK questions and answers | General knowledge questions  #gk #gkquestion #shorts

LIVE 5 Interesting GK questions and answers | General knowledge questions #gk #gkquestion #shorts

LIVE 5 Interesting GK questions and answers | General knowledge questions #gk #gkquestion #shorts #Livegk​ #dasgkquize​ #gkqustions​ #Liveytshorts​ #Liveshorts​ #Livevideos​ #upsc​ #SSCCGL​ #puzzle​ #Livequize​ #gkquestionshindi​ #gkhindiquize​ #Livevirals​ Questions:- Q.1 Which monument is also called the Taj of Deccan? Q.2 Whom did Aurangzeb defeat in the Battle of Deorai? Q.3 In which year was the Treaty of Salbai signed? Q.4 The ancient city of Hampi was the capital of which empire? Q.5 In which year was the Treaty of Versailles signed?