How to Make a Miniature Pizza Slice with Polymer Clay 🍕DIY #shorts

How to Make a Miniature Pizza Slice with Polymer Clay 🍕DIY #shorts

Welcome to YuyiArt a lover of little things 🥰🌟 How to Make a Miniature Pizza Slice with Polymer Clay 🍕DIY #shorts _____________________________________________________________ Title : ( English ) How to Make a Miniature Pizza Slice with Polymer Clay 🍕DIY #shorts ( Español ) Cómo hacer una rebanada de pizza en miniatura con arcilla polimérica 🍕Tutorial DIY ( Português ) Como fazer uma fatia de pizza em miniatura com argila de polímero 🍕Tutorial DIY ( 日本人 ) ポリマークレイでミニチュアピザスライスを作る方法🍕DIYチュ​​ートリアル ( 한국어 ) 폴리머 클레이로 미니어처 피자 조각 만드는 방법 🍕DIY 튜토리얼 ( हिन्दी ) पॉलीमर क्ले से छोटा पिज्जा स्लाइस कैसे बनाएं 🍕DIY ट्यूटोरियल ---------★★★★★--------- Some of the music I use in the background! They are not mine, here are some of the creators: Songs by TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™ Link: