Rice and Red Beans Haitian Recipe
Rice and peas recipe Beans 2 cups of red kidney beans To start, soak your kidney beans overnight so they can cook faster the next day. Then add them to a medium pot with 2 scallions, 2 garlic cloves and 1 tbsp of butter. Cover and let it cook until they’re tender (~30-40mins) Then use a strainer and a bowl to catch the leftover water from the boiled kidney beans. You’ll be using that later for the rice. Rice 3 cups of rice 2 cup of cooked red kidney beans 1 tbsp of olive oil 3 tbsp of Haitian epis 2 tbsp of chicken bouillon 2 cans of coconut milk (4 cups) 1-2 cup of kidney beans water 1 tbsp of butter Salt to taste Thyme Parsley Scotch Bonner poked with cloves Start by frying the Haitian epis in the olive oil and season with 1 tbsp of chicken bouillon. Then add your red kidney beans and mix well until it is fully coated with the seasoning. Remove the scallions and crush the garlic that was left in the kidney beans. Add in the coconut milk, red kidney beans leftover water and butter, salt, thyme, parsley, the rest of the chicken bouillon and the scotch bonnet. While that’s setting to boil, wash your rice and add it in making sure to leave out any excess water. Mix one time and cover to let it cook on medium heat. If needed, remove any extra water after checking using your spoon. SPOON TEST: stick a spoon in the middle of the rice after it’s been mixed in with the liquids. If the spoon falls, you have too much liquid and need to remove some. If it stands straight, your ratio is good. Check your rice every 10-15mins to make sure it’s evenly cooking. It should be ready after 30-40mins depending on your stove. Mix one time to make sure there’s no excess water at the bottom. Then remove thyme, parsley and scotch bonnet. PERSOANL IG: https://www.instagram.com/criticalrs/... BUSINESS IG: https://www.instagram.com/surinaromas... BUSINESS SITE: https://surinaromas.com - - - - - - - - How to make rice and peas. How to make Haitian white rice. How to make Haitian rice. How to make rice and peas Jamaican style. Best rice and peas recipe. Jamaican rice and peas, rice and jamaican, rice and peas recipe, rice and peas with canned kidney beans, rice and peas jamaican canned beans, rice and peas with coconut milk, rice and peas haitian recipe, rice and peas instant pot, rice and peas in the oven, rice and red kidney beans recipe, rice and red beans recipe, rice and red beans, rice and red beans haitian recipe #riceandpeas #riceandbeans #haitianfood #haitianrecipes #carribeanfood #carribean #ricerecipes #ricerecipe #basmatirice #basmatiricerecipe #basmati_rice #redkidneybeans #kidneybeans #kidneybeansrecipe #kidneybean #beginnerrecipes #dinnerrecipe #dinnerrecipes #dinnerideas #dinnertime #dinnerathome #homemadecooking #homemadefood #homemaderecipe #haitianrice