How To Turn On Auto play On Facebook Android
How To Turn On Autoplay On Facebook Android - Here's How To Turn Off Autoplay Videos On Facebook Android App ========================= Online Tools We Use / Recommend Free Writing Assistant tool https://grammarly.go2cloud.org/SH2qK ========================= Transcription How to stop videos from playing automatically on your Facebook fourth page within your Android app if you're interested in knowing this then keep on watching so in order to stop the videos from automatically playing in your Facebook watch feed you need to go to the top right hand side and click these three horizontal bars from here you need to come down and click privacy setting and privacy and within this setting in privacy you need to click the settings within these settings you here you need to look for the median contacts here it is you need to click that and within the median contacts settings second from the last you will see the autoplay click that and by default on mobile data and Wi-Fi connections you can save your mobile data by clicking it on to Wi-Fi only but if you want to stop playing them both on Wi-Fi as well as on your mobile networks you need to just click never autoplay and that's it so that's how you can stop the videos from playing automatically in your Facebook watch page in this channel we are trying to demystify the complexities of digital world by making the how-to tech tutorials like this one so if you are interested then consider subscribing and don't forget to like and share this video ========================= About Channel Digital World is a one stop solution for learning the secrets, Tips and Tricks of your Android Smart phone, Windows Desktop PC / Laptop, interesting websites and Social Media Apps especially Facebook, Instagram, You Tube, Twitter, WhatsApp and Pinterest. So, do Subscribe to enjoy and learn https://goo.gl/Pk2iLJ ========================= #StopAutoPlayVideos #FacebookVieos #Facebook