Active voice and passive voice|| #Imperative #toinfinitive
Active voice and passive voice|| #Imperative #toinfinitive #bysandeepsir #english #cbse #definition #doorenglishclasses #sentence #subject #verb #englishgrammar #concord Your queries :- imperative sentences passive voice active and passive voice passive voice imperative sentences active passive voice imperative sentence passive voice imperative sentence ka passive voice passive voice of imperative sentence imperative sentence voice change passive voice imperative sentences passive voice of imperative sentences imperative active passive voice imperative sentences active voice imperative sentence active voice and passive voice #ctet #upsc #bpsc #jpsc #htet#tetexam #cbscenglish #sscexam #sscenglish#bankexam #bankingenglish #ssccgl #sscchsl#sscmts #sscstenographer #sscselectionpost#ssccpo #sscgd #cds #ibpsclerk#ibpspo #sbIclerk #englishgrammar #exam #cet #spokenenglish #englishgrammar#englishbyvinodsharma #englishbysandeep and spoken English. Dear friends presents all the grammatical itemseasily through the following key words HowTo Learn English Properly How To read EnglishProperly Hindi Se English Anubad Sikhe EnglishSikhne Ki sahi Trika .Besides these orthographyetymology noun pronoun verb adjective adverbpreposition conjunction and interjection Be verbHave verb Tense Voice Narration Clause Nonfinite verb Gerund Participle Infinitive ldiom andPhrases Phrasal Verbs Story writing Paragraphletter Biography Application Notice and soon #Youtubeenglish Tutirial #sytematic English#Written English etc For this our learner must The Systematic English Speaking channel inthis YouTube Channel so that the uploading thevedios may be fulfilled Jai hind Hey Guys The topic, Active and Passive, is one of themost important topics of English grammar.Every student needs to have a full concept ofActive and Passive Voice in English grammarin Hindi before he starts interchanging them. Inthis video, you will learn how to make PassiveVoice of Imperative Sentences. You will also getAdvanced examples of Active and Passive inHindi with full concept of basic and advancedrules which will lay down a foundation forcompetitive exams like SSC NDA and others.So watch all the videos on Active and PassiveVoice one by one I assure you that you wonthave to go anywhere after watching this videoseries. Passive voice of "Imperative Sentences" Active Voice Open the door. Complete the work. Turn off the television. Learn your lesson. Kill the snake. Punish him. Speak the truth. Help the poor. Revise your book. Clean your room. Passive Voice Let the door be opened. Let the work be completed. Let the television be tuned of. Let your lesson be learnt.Let the snake be killed.Let him be punished.Let the truth be spoken. Let the poor be helped. Let your book be revised. Let your room be cleaned. Passive Voice of Infinitive Voice in English Grammar Advanced Level Voice