A Star Wars Fan's REACTION To The Mandalorian Season 3!

A Star Wars Fan's REACTION To The Mandalorian Season 3!

The Mandalorian Season 3 is right around the corner... but I have some concerns. Why did The Mandalorian and Grogu spend such little time apart, only to be right back together by the time Season 3 starts? I had to go straight to Lucusfilm to find some answers.... and believe me, I got more than what I bargained for... Like the background music? Check out this link for more awesome music:   / justin-tillman-639294126   MY SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNTS Twitter @BroadcastCosmic Instagram @TheCosmicBroadcast TikTok @The_CosmicBroadcast VIDEO SUMMARY This video is about The Cosmic Broadcast's humorous reaction to The Mandalorian Season 3. In this video, a Star Wars fan visits Lucasfilm to present their questions in regards to Season 3. What he discovers is that Disney is pulling the strings behind the scenes, and has total control. Also, Baby Yoda (Grogu) is cute! ALTERNATE TITLES The Mandalorian Season 3 Has Me Worried! /// The Mandalorian Season 3 Reaction! /// Too Much Grogu? The Mandalorian Season 3 Reaction #themandalorianseason3 #starwars #grogu #themandalorian #lucasfilm #babyyoda