Heart Attack Symptoms | Heart Disease | Chest Pain | Myocardial Infarction | Hindi
Think Dr. A heart attack, medically known as a myocardial infarction, occurs when blood flow to a part of the heart muscle is blocked for a long enough time that part of the heart muscle is damaged or dies. The blockage is usually caused by a buildup of fat, cholesterol, and other substances, which form a plaque in the coronary arteries that feed the heart. If a plaque ruptures, it can form a blood clot that can block blood flow. Major symptoms of a heart attack: 1. **Chest Pain or Discomfort**: **Step 1**: You might feel a sensation of pressure, tightness, or squeezing in the center or left side of your chest. **Step 2**: This discomfort can persist for more than a few minutes or may come and go. **Step 3**: The pain can range from mild to severe and may feel like a heavy weight on the chest. 2. **Pain in Other Areas of the Upper Body**: **Step 1**: The pain can radiate from the chest to the shoulders, arms (typically the left arm), back, neck, jaw, or stomach. **Step 2**: It might feel like an ache, tightness, or even a burning sensation. **Step 3**: This pain is often not localized and can shift locations. 3. **Shortness of Breath**: **Step 1**: You might suddenly feel like you can’t catch your breath or are breathing rapidly without any exertion. **Step 2**: This can occur with or without chest discomfort. **Step 3**: It may feel like you're suffocating or panting, even while resting. 4. **Cold Sweat**: **Step 1**: You might break out in a sudden, cold, clammy sweat. **Step 2**: This sweating can be profuse and is often accompanied by other symptoms like chest pain or shortness of breath. **Step 3**: It's different from sweating due to heat or exertion, often feeling more like a chill. 5. **Nausea and Vomiting**: **Step 1**: You may start feeling nauseous, with a sensation of queasiness in the stomach. **Step 2**: This can lead to vomiting in some cases. **Step 3**: These symptoms can occur suddenly and are often mistaken for a stomach issue. 6. **Lightheadedness or Dizziness**: **Step 1**: You might feel dizzy or lightheaded, as if you might faint. **Step 2**: This can be accompanied by a sense of being unsteady or disoriented. **Step 3**: This symptom can occur with or without chest pain and might lead to a temporary loss of consciousness. 7. **Fatigue**: **Step 1**: You may experience an unusual or extreme sense of fatigue that is not explained by usual activities. **Step 2**: This fatigue can last for days and is more common in women. **Step 3**: It can feel like you’re extremely tired and can’t perform simple tasks. 8. **Anxiety**: **Step 1**: You might feel a sudden sense of intense anxiety or fear, often described as a feeling of impending doom. **Step 2**: This can be accompanied by rapid heartbeats and restlessness. **Step 3**: This psychological symptom can be overwhelming and is sometimes mistaken for a panic attack. **This video only for educational purposes before start treatment consult with healthcare professionals. Thanks for watching this video and subscribe to the channel for latest updates : • Symptoms vitamin D Deficiency | Hindi... Key Points: **Variation in Symptoms**: The severity and combination of these symptoms can vary widely between individuals. Some may experience all these symptoms, while others may have only a few. **Gender Differences**: Women often experience more atypical symptoms like nausea, fatigue, and pain in the back or jaw. **Prompt Action**: Recognizing these symptoms early and seeking immediate medical help by calling emergency services can be crucial for treatment and survival #heart #heartattack #heartattacksypmtomps #heartproblems #heartdisease #heartdiseaseawereness #heartteretment #heartpain #heartbroken #heartissues #symptomofheartattack #chestpain #irregularheartbeat #anxiety #coldsweat #discomfort #brainstroke #physiotherapy