Korean Egg Roll | Rolled Omelette | 계란말이
Korean egg roll (Rolled Omelette) is very easy to cook, soft and tasting very similar to an omelette. It's great and healthy breakfast. Yield 2 serving Cook time 10 min Korean Egg Roll (Rolled Omelette) ingredients: eggs - 4 onion - 1/4 carrot - 1/4 green onion - 1 salt black pepper Preparation: 1. Chop the carrot, onion and green onion. 2. In a mixing bowl, beat 4 eggs. Add salt, pepper and beat until smooth. Add chopped ingredients and stir well. 4. Heat the pan on medium low heat and add some cooking oil. Pour out a thin layer of egg mixture onto the pan and spread it by tilting the pan. 5. Once the edge of the egg is cooked, start rolling the egg. 6. Push aside the rolled egg and pour out another thin layer of egg mixture on the empty space and start roll the egg. 7. Repeat this step until the egg mixture is used up. 8. Remove the rolled egg from the pan and cool it down for 5 mins on a cutting board. Slice it into bite size pieces. Bon Appétit 🌸 Feel free to switch around the vegetables for your taste, you can use any kind of vegetables/meat you want. If you like my recipes, make sure to subscribe for more!