Rep Ranges and Why They Matter:
Rep Ranges and Why They Matter: Power: 1-3 Strength: 4-7 Hypertrophy: 8-12 *there isn’t a specific rep number where your body says “oh this is power” but different reps create different muscle stimulus. The fewer reps completed, the more rest needed. 2 reps are NOT EASY. If you never train fewer reps, you will never understand true mechanic failure. You should work on finding failure or near failure in EVERY REP RANGE! Hypertrophy reps are important for type I muscle fibers (slow twitch). Power/strength reps are important for type II (fast twitch). If you want a balanced, impactful performance and physique, you want to experiment and build both! We don’t need to reach actual literal failure every workout - this can lead to burnout or injury - but we should be VERY close to it most of the time. Why? This ensures we’re actually providing enough stimulus to actually cause the muscle to breakdown and grow back stronger (with enough protein and recovery). 12 reps don’t “tone”. 12 reps create a hypertrophy response which can help with muscle size. But if those 12 reps aren’t hard, you won’t grow. Being toned means having visible muscle through a certain layer of body fat. Everyone’s “perfect” proportion of muscle to fat will be different since all bodies are different and everyone has different aesthetic goals. ANYONE can create a toned aka defined physique with the right training program, nutrition and general health a management. Stop limiting yourself to 12+ reps. Start having fun in the gym AGAIN! Start to understand how strong you truly are. My body changed the most when I let go of specific rep numbers and started working in ranges - for example instead of aiming for 6, I am for between 5-7. That way, I know if I get to 8, I don’t just stop - I PUSH! I KEEP GOING! And if I can get to 8+ reps, that means I picked up too light of a weight. If you’re aiming for 8 reps, you should be almost failing at rep 6. Comment SHREDDED to join my sprinting and strength training program to learn how it’s done 🏋🏼♀️