The Simplest Guide to Becoming a HIGH VALUE Woman ✨

The Simplest Guide to Becoming a HIGH VALUE Woman ✨

THIS is what being a high value woman REALLY MEANS. In this video, I cover the true meaning of high value women and the traits and habits you need to embody to become one. A lot of the content around high value women and person just has very narcissistic undertones and that is not benefitting you or anyone else. Becoming high value in the simplest terms means understanding your value and acting in alignment with it. It's THAT Simple. Watch and learn how you can truly become your BEST SELF. (Sorry I didn't have time to do the timestamps on this one. If anyone can add them in the comments, that would be lovely 💕💕💕) --------- Thank you for watching 💕 ✨ LET'S CONNECT Twitter - Instagram - Newsletter - E-mail | [email protected] ✨ ABOUT ME Hi! I'm Adete. I am a creator, content strategist, and online educator. With this channel, I hope to inspire you to grow in your life and work. I'm super excited for you to join the family. ✨ MUSIC Epidemic Sound