SAINt JHN - Roses (Imanbek Remix) Drum Cover - Domino Santantonio #shorts
Playing pop songs on drums has let Domino connect with millions, especially since her energetic covers went viral on TikTok in 2020. People might know and love the tune, but never thought about playing acoustic drums with it. Don't push pop music away: use it as a challenge to test your creativity and have fun doing it! I mean, you just can't deny the infectious energy that Domino produces in this "Roses" (Imanbek remix) drum cover by SAINt JHN. ►Try Drumeo Edge for 30-days completely FREE and join Domino's weekly Live Coaches sessions. Claim your free trial here: https://drumeo.com/domino-trial _______________________________________________________ Follow us: ►The Drumeo Beat: https://www.drumeo.com/beat/ ►Facebook: / drumeo ►Instagram: / drumeoofficial ►TikTok: / drumeoofficial Follow Domino ►Website: https://www.dominosantantonio.com/ ►TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@dominosantant... ►Instagram: / dominosantantonio ►YouTube: / dominodrum #drumcover #SAINtJHN #drumeo