29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 16 October 2022

29th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 16 October 2022

Today we celebrate the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings are: Exodus 17: 8-13 2 Timothy 3:14 - 4:2 Luke 18: 1-8 The hymns are: Opening: 663 Lord of All Hopefulness Psalm: 83 Our Help Comes from the Lord Offertory: 910 Shepherd of Souls Communion: 946 Let Us Be Bread Closing: 546 Go to the World! Mary, Mother of the Church is an active, prayerful, celebrating, Catholic community in La Crosse, Wisconsin. We are sisters and brothers in Christ, a parish family. We invite you to visit our parish family at MMOC.mobi (mobile) or MMOCLaCrosse.org (full site). For convenient access to our Masses, daily meditations, and other resources, please download our free "myParish" app. Permission license to podcast/stream the music in this service has been obtained from One License with license #A-703360 (OneLicense.net).