Resident Evil 6: Chris & Piers - Chapter 1 | Co-op Split Screen
Chris and Piers Chapter 1 is something to whet your appetite for high-firepower "cowboy" operations. If you intend on playing through each of the campaigns all at once (by finishing every campaign's chapter before moving to the next one with both characters), you will have more than your fair share of Skill Points, which you should immediately invest in Firepower. Chris and Piers especially, need the Firepower Campaign Skill to deal with the large numbers of enemies who are not only tough but are armed with firearms and explosives like yourselves. If you enjoyed the video, please leave a Like, Subscribe or Share with your friends. Leave a comment below. It really means a lot! Thank you very much for watching and for leaving feedback and Thanks for all your support! #atomicblastlofigameplay #residentevil6 #2playercoopsplitscreen