Eggless No Bake Pistachio Pudding recipe 😍 viral dessert

Eggless No Bake Pistachio Pudding recipe 😍 viral dessert

No Bake, eggless Pistachio Pudding recipe 😍 (No bake desserts, ep. 19) . This is a version of my popular Nutella pudding recipe! I thought of making a non chocolate variation! And I love pistachios so I thought why not? . Ingredients- 1/2 cup water 2 tsp instant coffee Parle g biscuits as needed 3/4 cup pistachios (boil them, put in ice water, peel and blend until smooth) 1/2 cup non dairy sweetened whipping cream 1/4 cup icing sugar Splash of vanilla . Will you try this for this festive season? #viral #pudding #parthbajaj #pista #pistachio #nobake #nobakedesserts