Ghee Cream | शतधौत घृत / SHATDHAUT GHRIT | World's best ayurvedic skin cream

Ghee Cream | शतधौत घृत / SHATDHAUT GHRIT | World's best ayurvedic skin cream

To order WhatsApp us at +917665466657 Shata Dhauta Ghrita is a luxurious ancient Ayurveda skin cream with potent anti-aging, deep moisturizing & magical beautification properties. The names literally translates into 100 times washed ghee. This is an ancient Ayurveda technique mentioned in our textbooks. Pure cow ghee is washed a 100 times with cold water in a copper vessel along with pure sandalwood and rose petals to enhance the benefits. It is a great moisturizer as the Rasa is absorbed till the 7th layer of the skin and lock in the moisture. It has anti-inflammatory as well as healing properties that smoothens and brightens the skin. It is a light-weight moisturizer to restore the skin in its best form. The cream is free from from any artificial fragrance and color and helps in building up dermal tissue, promotes collagen production and rejuvenates the skin. Shata Dhauta Ghrita cream has the property which helps it to completely penetrate and nourish all the seven layers of skin. 100 times washed ghee helps skin whitening, moisturizing, postponing wrinkles and ageing spots further and more. Shatdhauta Grita contains Omega 3, 9 fatty acids, Vitamin A, D, E & K, all of these are considered great for the skin. Using Shata Dhauta Ghrita cream helps to keep your skin flawless and free of wrinkles for an extended period of time Shata Dhauta Ghrita cream has natural sunscreen, which when applied protects skin from sun damage for many hours Like natural sunscreen the 100 times washed ghee also has inbuilt moisturizing properties which keeps skin supple and & adds glow to the skin complexion Since Shata Dhauta Ghrita is full of so many benefits, many a times people refer to it as cream with anti-aging formula. It also helps to clear light stretch marks; if the stretch marks are deep, regular use of this cream helps to them to fade. Shata Dhauta Ghrita cream not only has cosmetic value and benefits, but also medical properties. It has often been prescribed and used as an Ayurveda skin cream to cure eczema and psoriasis and patients have experienced significant relief in extreme cases. The ghee or gritha can be applied in the morning as well as overnight on the skin and it is by far the most natural and best face cream Ayurveda recommends for all types of skins from dry, sensitive, oily to mixed through all seasons. The frequency and quantity may vary from season to season. It is verified by science for its supreme skin-healing benefits & Ayurvedic texts describe it as a supreme skin elixir and an ultimate light weight cream to beautify your skin. Shata Dhauta Ghrita cream is an incredible product that is not only an ancient beauty secret but also has medicinal value. It can be applied on dry skin to increase the natural glow, offers relief against pimples, dry eczema, dark spots or patches on hands, legs, face, under-eye dark circles, fissure, piles, scars left by burns including sun burn, foot and hand cracks, diaper and napkin rash. This cream also provides relief for people who complain of seasonal burning sensation in the palm, foot sole etc. #shatadhautaghrita #gircowghee #kinayafarms #100timeswashedghee #a2ghee #shatdhautghrit #bestayurvedicskincream #ayurveda #naturalskincream #organicskincare #mostpowerfulskinscream #bestskincreamintheworld #pimplefreeskin #pimplecream #glowingskin #antiagingcream #removepigmentation #psoriasistreatment #dullskinremedy #ayurvedicskinremedy #gircowbilonaghee #pilestreatment #ayurvedicsunscreen #naturalsunscreen #eczematreatment #besteczematreatment #naturaleczematreatment #bestbeautycream #naturalbeautycream #fairskinhomeremedies