Christmas Day Service | Sunday Worship Service | December 25, 2022
Submit your prayer request here: https://forms.gle/RQHMDX2JoAxpHt6D6 Help us update our records of our members: https://forms.gle/8ESpBynTsFXKLCPQ9 Video Chapters: 0:00:00 - Prasie and Worship 0:29:00 - Bible Reading (Hebrews 6:9-20) 0:34:00 - Greet someone! 0:37:00 - Congregational Prayer 0:52:00 - Junior Choir 0:56:44 - Welcome & Announcements 1:07:00- Greetings from Bishop Michael Edwards 1:15:10 - Tithes and Offerings 1:25:30 - Pre-Sermon Selection 1:31:10 - Sermon 2:40:00 - Altar Service – 📆 Weekly Announcements: – 📚 SUNDAY SCHOOL Sundays at 9:45 - 11:00 AM in-person – 📖 BIBLE STUDY Tuesdays in-person and on YouTube Prayer @ 7:00 PM Topic: TBA – 👩💻👨💻 FRIDAY NIGHT YOUTH SERVICE Every 2nd Fridays @ 7:30 PM in-person Meeting ID: 860 8240 2081 Password: 520664 – 🙏 PRAYER Prayer and Fasting in the Sanctuary (Mondays from 12 PM - 3 PM) Prayer Line: (319) 527-3512 Access Code: 574403# Schedule: Monday – Friday: 5 - 6 AM; 12 - 1 PM; 8 - 9 PM (3rd Saturdays) Early Morning Prayer Meeting at 7:00am NOTE: Tuesday evening prayer will be 7 - 7:45 PM – COUNSELING REQUESTS Members who are desirous of receiving grief-related counseling from a counsellor or social worker should give your name and number to Sis. Reid or any of our ministers or ministry leaders. We have 3 trained counsellors/social workers from churches in our district who are available to provide their service. Your conversation with them will be confidential. Members who are desirous of having pastoral counselling should contact Sis. Reid who will make the arrangements. – 6 WAYS TO GIVE 📬 Mail - Checks/Money Orders Only United Apostolic Church, Inc. P.O. Box 353 St. Albans, NY 11412 📱 Quickpay With Zelle Zelle in your banking app Send using the email [email protected] 📱 Text Text "GIVE" to (844) 975-3495 📱 App In the app, tap the "Give" tab at the bottom of your screen 💻 Website Go to www.uachollis.com/give ⛪️ Drop-Off Sundays from 11:00 am – 3:00 pm Tuesdays from 7 – 9:30 pm – Find a local church here: https://www.upci.org/resources/locate...