Applied Physiology for Anesthesia - 07 - BLOOD - Part 1

Applied Physiology for Anesthesia - 07 - BLOOD - Part 1

Recorded lectures for a 2-semester course on Applied Physiology for Anesthesia TOPICS: 01 - Introduction to Physiology 02 - Cardiac: Anatomy, myocytes, cardiac cycle, valves, cardiac output (Lectures 1-3) Heart failure, HOCM, IABP (Lecture 4) Cardiac conduction, innervation, normal ECG, arrhythmias, congenital heart disease (Lectures 5-7) Coronary circulation, myocardial oxygen balance, ischemic heart disease (Lectures 8-9) 03 - Circulation: Body fluids, osmosis, IV fluids, sodium, arterial / venous pressures, interstitium, “third space,” edema, local blood flow, control of BP, HTN, shock 04 - GI System: Gastric emptying, aspiration, the liver 05 - Pulmonary: Tracheobronchial tree, pulmonary ventilation, pulmonary circulation, pHTN (Lectures 1-2) Gas exchange, O2/CO2 transport, control of breathing (Lectures 3-4) Principles of respiratory dysfunction; respiratory disease (Lectures 5-7) 06 - Renal: Renal function, anatomy, glomerular filtration, renal tubular function, ADH, other electrolytes (Lectures 1-3) Acid-base regulation, acidosis and alkalosis, acid-base disorders (Lectures 4-5) Diuretics, kidney diseases (Lecture 6) 07 - Blood: RBCs, infection and inflammation, immunity and allergy, anaphylaxis, angioedema (Lectures 1-4) Blood typing, blood components, risks of transfusion (Lectures 5-10) Hemostasis, evaluation of hemostasis, disorders of hemostasis (Lectures 11-13) 08 - Neuro: Structure and organization of the nervous system, spinal cord, cranial nerves, sensory system, evoked potentials, sensation of pain, spinal cord injury (Lectures 1-2) Cerebral blood flow, traumatic brain injury, CSF, ICP, coma, seizure disorders, the eye, body temp (Lectures 3-6) 09 - Endocrine: Introduction, pituitary, hypothalamus, thyroid, Ca, PTH, adrenal cortex (Lectures 1-3) Pancreas, diabetes, obesity, pregnancy, fetal physiology (Lectures 4-7)