Calls in Advance || Issue of Shares

Calls in Advance || Issue of Shares

Calls in Advance || Issue of Shares Calls in Advance refers to the amount of money received by a company from its shareholders before such money has been formally called up or requested by the company. Essentially, it is an advance payment made by shareholders against future calls (instalments) on their share capital. This situation arises when: Shareholders pay more than the amount called up by the company. The company allows shareholders to pay future instalments of their shares in advance. Calls in Advance is not considered part of the share capital. Instead, it is treated as a liability until the company formally calls the amount. This comprehensive video will help you master this topic with ease, including entries for: Receiving Calls in Advance Adjusting Calls in Advance Don't forget to like and share the video (to your friends) Subscribe TCA Coachin