#shorts 편스토랑 류수영의 만원치킨!! 날개치킨, 핫윙, Actor Ryu’s 3rd Chicken Project! Fried Chicken Hot Wings
#치킨만들기 #편스토랑 #날개치킨 편스토랑 류수영 만원 치킨 시리즈 3탄!! 호불호 없이 누구나 좋아하는 닭 날개로 만든 홈메이드 치킨! 백번 칭찬해 주고 싶은 치킨집이 부럽지 않은 맛이야~ 진짜 만 원의 행복이네 -재료(2인분) 닭 날개(윙 부분) 500g 감자전분(듬뿍) 2T 식용유 (종이컵 기준) 1 5컵 (닭 양념 재료) 소금 3꼬집 고춧가루 2T 설탕 1T 간장 1T 케첩 1T 굴소스 1T 생강가루 1/2t (다진 생강 가능) 다진 마늘 1T 후추 1/2t (소스 재료) 마요네즈 + 스리라차 소스 or 핫소스 -간단 레시피 1 세척한 닭은 키친타올로 물기를 제거하고 간이 잘 밸 수 있게 닭날개 가운데 부분을 포크로 구멍을 내주세요 2 닭에 양념 재료를 넣고 버무린 후 냉장고에 30분 재워 두세요 3 재워 놓은 닭에 감자전분을 넣고 가볍게 버무린 뒤 팬에 오일을 넣고 중약불에서 뒤집어 가며 8분간 튀겨 주세요 4 소스 재료를 준비해서 맛있게 드세요 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a hot wing recipe presented by Actor Ryu Soo-young from the TV show “Stars' Top Recipe at Fun-Staurant” This recipe is also the third cost-effective chicken recipe introduced by Ryu, following No 1 Szechuan spicy chicken and No 2 Galbi chicken made with less than 10,000 KRW It’s homemade chicken made with chicken wings that everyone loves! It's a taste that will again make you marvel at Ryu's culinary skills! It is the best bang for your buck! Ingredients (2 Servings) - 500g of chicken wings (wing part) - 2 tbsp plenty of potato starch - 1½ cups of cooking oil (based on paper cups) Ingredients for Chicken Seasoning - 3 pinches of salt - 2 tbsp of red pepper powder - 1 tbsp of sugar - 1 tbsp of soy sauce - 1 tbsp of ketchup - 1 tbsp of oyster sauce - 1/2 tsp of ginger powder (minced ginger can be used) - 1 tbsp of minced garlic - 1/2 tsp of black pepper Dipping Sauce - mayonnaise + Sriracha sauce or hot sauce Simple recipe 1 Remove the water from the washed chicken with paper towels and poke holes in the middle of the chicken wings to season well 2 Add the seasoning ingredients to the chicken, mix, and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes 3 Add potato starch to seasoned chicken, mix lightly, add oil to a pan, and fry over medium-low heat for 8 minutes 4 Prepare the dipping sauce and enjoy it! #치킨 #핫윙 #윙치킨 #날개치킨3탄 #편스토랑레시피 #류수영레시피 #통닭만들기 #치킨만들기 #치맥 #핫윙만들기 #홈메이드치킨만들기 #치킨레시피 #닭날개요리 #닭튀김 #버팔로윙 #어남선생레시피 #편스토랑 #koreanchicken #koreanchickenwings #asmrfood #asmrsounds #asmreating #asmrvideo #asmreatingsounds #asmreatingfood