What to expect in your Third Trimester of pregnancy | Pregnancy Week-by-Week

What to expect in your Third Trimester of pregnancy | Pregnancy Week-by-Week

Welcome to your third trimester! Over the coming weeks, your baby will grow from about the size of a plate of pancakes up to a full-fledged turkey (if she decides not to come out on time, that is!). And you’ll go through a lot of changes, too. This week-by-week guide to your third trimester will take you through all the developments, symptoms and things you need to start thinking about. (And don't miss our videos for your first trimester:    • What to expect in your First Trimeste...   and second trimester:    • What to expect in your Second Trimest...  ) Want more pregnancy info? SIGN UP FOR OUR WEEKLY PREGNANCY NEWSLETTER: https://www.todaysparent.com/weekbyweek/ Here are the time codes to get to the topics that matter to you most right now, based on how many weeks pregnant you are: 0:04 - 28 weeks (Topics covered: Fetal development—weight gain, REM sleep and dreams, prenatal appointments, sciatic nerve pain, shortness of breath, increased progesterone, preparing your dog for baby) 3:06 - 29 weeks (Topics covered: Fetal development—emotions, drinking and facial expressions, temporary symptoms, best types of exercise, benefits of exercise, birth plan, cord blood banking, kegels) 5:49 - 30 weeks (Topics covered: Fetal development, breast development and breastfeeding, Braxton Hicks contractions, circumcision, buying a car seat) 7:59 - 31 weeks (Topics covered: Fetal development, baby movement in womb, belly button popping, heart palpitations, worries, prenatal anxiety, packing your hospital bag, sex during pregnancy) 10:30 - 32 weeks (Topics covered: Fetal development, stretch marks, lightheadedness, dizziness, episiotomy, perineal massage) 13:01 - 33 weeks (Topics covered: Fetal development, numbness and tingling in your hands and wrists, water retention, glossy hair, hair growth, hair removal during pregnancy, placenta encapsulation, buying a stroller) 15:25 - 34 weeks (Topics covered: Fetal movement, baby hearing, swelling, preeclampsia, edema, breast pads, leaking breasts, colostrum, sex drive, co-sleeping, sudden infant death syndrome, breastfeeding, breast pumps) 18:30 - 35 weeks (Topics covered: Fetal development, back and pelvic pain, dealing with family expectations, breech position) 20:46 - 36 weeks (Topics covered: Fetal development, lightning crotch, restless leg syndrome, prenatal appointments, group b streptococcus test, labour playlist, hair removal) 23:14 - 37 weeks (Topics covered: Fetal development—brain, lung and movement, counting kicks, constipation, hemorrhoids, Braxton Hicks contractions, nesting instinct, researching mommy groups and drop-in centres) 25:54 - 38 weeks (Topics covered: Baby development in the final weeks, baby jaundice, mucus plug, bloody show, early signs of labour, postpartum bleeding, lochia, sitz baths, birth plans) 28:10 - 39 weeks (Topics covered: Fetal development—skull formation, birth canal, cervical sweep, low risk way to start labour, early signs of labour, labour positions, gentle c section) 30:55 - 40 weeks (Topics covered: Baby at full term, emotions of pregnant women, sore ribs, amniotic fluid levels, ways to kickstart labour, nipple stimulation ) 32:54 - 41 weeks (Topics covered: Fetal development—baby skin, amniotic fluid, doctor monitoring, preeclampsia, prostaglandin gel, Foley catheter, Pitocin) 34:49 - 42 weeks (Topics covered: Baby skin, baby nails, hair, backache, difficulty sleeping/insomnia, stress, low amniotic fluid, pinched umbilical cord, cervical check, cervical sweep) SUBSCRIBE to the Today's Parent channel: http://bit.ly/1sv2xFr Like us at   / todaysparent   Tweet us at   / todaysparent   Share the love at   / todaysparent   And don't forget to pin it at   / todaysparent