Learn ABCD Alphabets and numbers counting 123.Shapes for kids and Toddlers.ABC phonics song.

Learn ABCD Alphabets and numbers counting 123.Shapes for kids and Toddlers.ABC phonics song.

Learn ABCD Alphabets and numbers counting 123.Shapes for kids and Toddlers.ABC phonics song. ‪@KidsNewStudy‬ Lyrics: A is for apple, a-a-a-apple, a-a-a-apple, A is for apple. B is for balloon, b-b-b-balloon, b-b-b-balloon, B is for balloon C is for candy, c-c-c-candy, c-c-c-candy, C is for candy. D is for dinosaur, d-d-d-dinosaur, d-d-d-dinosaur, D is for dinosaur. E is for egg, e-e-e-egg, e-e-e-egg, E is for egg. F is for fan, f-f-f-fan, f-f-f-fan, F is for fan. G is for green, g-g-g-green, g-g-g-green, G is for green. H is for head, h-h-h-head, h-h-h-head, H is for head. I is for island, i-i-i-island, i-i-i-island, I is for island. J is for jar, j-j-j-jar, j-j-j-jar, J is for jar. K is for keyboard, k-k-k-keyboard, k-k-k-keyboard, K is for keyboard. L is for lamp, l-l-l-lamp, l-l-l-lamp, L is for lamp. M is for magic, m-m-m-magic, m-m-m-magic, M is for magic. N is for needle, n-n-n-needle, n-n-n-needle, N is for needle. O is for ostrich, o-o-o-ostrich, o-o-o-ostrich, O is for ostrich.P is for pencil, p-p-p- pencil, p-p-p- pencil, P is for pencil. #KidsNewStudy Kids New Study Q is for quiet, q-q-q-quiet, q-q-q-quiet, Q is for quiet. R is for robot, r-r-r-robot,, r-r-r-robot,, R is for robot,. S is for scissor, s-s-s-scissor, s-s-s-scissor, S is for scissor. T is for telephone, t-t-t-telephone,, t-t-t-telephone, T is for telephone. U is for uniform, u-u-u-uniform, u-u-u-uniform, U is for uniform. V is for violin, v-v-v-violin, v-v-v-violin, V is for violin. W is for watch, w-w-w-watch, w-w-w-watch, W is for watch. X is for Xmas tree, x-x-x-Xmas tree, x-x-x-Xmas tree, X is for Xmas tree.Y is for yellow, y-y-y-yellow,, y-y-y-yellow,, Y is for yellow. Z is for zero, z-z-z-zero, z-z-z-zero, Z is for zee Welcome to My Channel 👇    / @kidsnewstudy   help make learning a education, fun and enjoyable experience for kids by creating beautiful 3D & 2D animation, educational lyrics, and toe-tapping music. Kids will laugh, dance, sing, and play along with our videos, learning alphabet letters, numbers, vehicles, nursery rhymes, animals names & sounds, colors, vegetables, food, fruits, living and non-living things, and much, much more while simply enjoying our friendly characters and fun stories and educational videos. Nursery rhymes in English,Piosenki dla dzieci po angielsku, canciones en inglés para niños,เพลงภาษาอังกฤษสำหรับเด็ก, Comptines en anglais,Kinderlieder in Englisch, Lagu-lagu anak berbahasa Inggeris, Musik Untuk Anak,Engelse kinderliedjes, Músicas em inglês para crianças, Gyerekzene, barnvisorna på engelska, 英 bambini in inglese. #cocomelon #dbillions #chuchutv #mantustudyclass #supersimplesongs #billionsurprisetoys #nunutv #pinkfong #babyshark #nurseryrhymes #loolookids #looloonurseryrhymes #looloo #kidsfuna2ztvnurseryrhymes #nurseryrhymes #nurseryrhymes #kidssongs #childrensmusic #nurseryrhymes #babysongs #childrensongs #oddbodsandfriends #kidscartoon #cartoonsforkids #peppa #peppapig #peppapigenglish #kidssongs #kidsmusic #kids #childrensmusic #musicforkids #nurseryrhymes #music #familymusic #toddlermusic #children #babymusic #kidsactivities #kidsentertainment #preschoolmusic #musiceducation #kidsmusicclass #singing #kidsmusician #musicclass #musicteacher #childrenssongs #musicforchildren #kids #abcd #aforapple #kidzfuna2z #apple #abcdsong #numbers #alphabets #kidseducationalvideos #englishalphabets #kids #kidssong #kidseducation #kidsclass #hindivarnamala #preschool #preschoollearning #entertainment #education #englishgrammar #englishalphabets #english #abcdvideo #applesong #phoniscsong #trends #phonicsforkids #bforball #bforballbforballoons #ksekabutar #abcdsongnurseryrhymes #chuchutv #chhotu_tv #hindienglishpatsala #abcdrhymes #aforaeroplane #KidsNewStudy‪@KidsNewStudy‬ #abcdsong #englishspeaking #englishlearning #kids #learning #howtodraw #educationalvideo #colouring #kidsvideo #acrylic #howtodraw #kidsart #kidslearning #art #stepbystep #kids @5MinuteCraftsYouTube @5MinuteCraftsPLAY @5MinuteCraftsDIY @nursery-rhymes-happy-loo @LooLooKids @MagicFingersArt @nursery-rhymes-happy-loo @MagicFingersArtlearn numbers 1 to 20. numbers and shapes song for kids.#abcdsong #abcd#numbers #aforapple#kidsvideo Learn A-Z alphabets.ABC phonics song. Learn A for Apple. B for ball.drawing and colouring for kids and toddlers.Badsic English learning for Kids.#preschoollearning #abcdsong #englishspeaking #englishlearning #kids #learning #howtodraw #educationalvideo #colouring #kidsvideo #acrylic #howtodraw #kidsart #kidslearning #art #stepbystep #kids @5MinuteCraftsYouTube @5MinuteCraftsPLAY @5MinuteCraftsDIY @nursery-rhymes-happy-loo @LooLooKids @MagicFingersArt @nursery-rhymes-happy-loo @MagicFingersArt thanks for watching my videos मिलते हैं नेक्स्ट विडियो में 👍