Avatar The Last Airbender 2x15 REACTION and REVIEW | FIRST TIME Watching | 'The Tales of Ba Sing Se'
Avatar The Last Airbender | Book 2 Episode 15 | Reaction & Review | "The Tales of Ba Sing Se" We are super keen to finally break out into the animated show community, and what better way than with Avatar The Last Airbender. This has been requested heaps by our viewers and hyped up, so we can't wait to delve into Aang's life and see what his adventure has in stall for us! Click the link below and join NOW for exclusive content on our Patreon: / spartanandpudgey If you would like to support our channel, click on the JOIN button and receive some extra perks such as membership badges, exclusive custom emotes and priority reply to comments! Introduction: 0:00 - 4:22 Reaction: 4:23 - 19:06 Discussion/Review: 19:07 - 23:20 Like and SUBSCRIBE and click that bell to turn ON POST NOTIFICATIONS if you enjoyed the video and want to keep up to date with new posts! Connect with us on INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/spartanandp... OUR DISCORD: / discord Connect with Spartan on TWITCH: / cpaspartan #ATLA #avatarthelastairbender #reaction