Today's Catholic Mass Readings and Reflections January 7, 2023| Mass Gospel and Reflection | John

Today's Catholic Mass Readings and Reflections January 7, 2023| Mass Gospel and Reflection | John

Today's Catholic Mass Readings and Reflections January 7, 2023| Mass Gospel and Reflection | John Catholic Mass Readings for January 7, 2023 Saturday Christmas Weekday 1st Reading 1 John 5:14-21 Responsorial Psalm Psalms 149:1-2, 3-4, 5-6A AND 9B The Acclamation Luke 7:16 Gospel John 2:1-11 Personal Reflection Today’s Reflection on the Readings Prayer Personal Reflection Are we receptive to the limitless generosity of Jesus, which is constantly at our disposal? Today’s Reflection on the Readings My dear friends As an obedient Son, Jesus gives His mother what she asks of Him by displaying His heavenly might, starting His public mission. During the Cana marriage feast, Jesus' prompt response helps the host avoid some embarrassment. Mama Mary's love for everyone of us is what caused everything to happen. Dear Friends, from Today's Catholic Mass Readings teach us that God likes to hear us pray and wants us to offer him all of our petitions, no matter how modest. "Do not be worried about anything, but in every circumstance, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, submit your requests to God," Paul advises in Philippians 4:6. Yes, dear friends, we are called to bring both major and minor matters before Jesus today. This is not because He does not know; rather, it is so that we can unite our hearts and thoughts with His. So, dear friends, let's pray for the needs of individuals we know as a family under Mother Mary's Protection, and let's take inspiration from Jesus and Mary to be compassionate and perceptive toward others. Prayer I give thanks to you, Lord of love and goodness, for your numerous blessings bestowed to me and my Mother Mary's Protection channel. Even though it isn't the right time yet, Lord, I thank you for working miracles in our lives. When we are in need of something, you come to our aid. Lord, assist us to wait in hope and faith for "The Best Yet to Come" to each of us while placing our total trust in you. Help us, Lord, to have humility and to submit to your Holy authority. May almighty God bless us, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. I thank all my subscribers for your constant support of this channel. If you like the content I am sharing, subscribe to this channel and experience peace and joy and faithful friendship in your life and with your family. Please subscribe to our channel    / mothermarysprotection   Please comment below your prayers and needs. We will pray for you. --------------------------------------------------------- mother mary's protection,catholic daily mass reflection,catholic daily mass readings book,catholic daily mass readings,catholic daily mass readings 2022,catholic daily mass readings app,catholic daily mass readings book,catholic daily mass readings Canada ,catholic daily mass readings today,daily catholic readings ,daily mass readings and reflections,today's catholic mass readings and reflections,mass readings reflections,catholic mass reading,mass readings for today,christmas #mothermarysprotection #christmas #todaysgospelreading #todaysgospelreflection