What is inducement & IDM in forex? (Hindi) | Advance SMC Lesson - 02 | SMT | SMC Hindi

What is inducement & IDM in forex? (Hindi) | Advance SMC Lesson - 02 | SMT | SMC Hindi

"Important details" read the description. ⭐ Join our Free Telegram Channel. TG - https://t.me/smartmoneyteaching ⭐ Important Playlist for beginners (Highly recommended) 🔹1. Forex for beginners:    • Forex trading for beginners full cour...   🔹2. Technical Analysis:    • Basic technical analysis full course ...   🔹3. Smart Money Concept for beginners:    • SMC for beginners full course.(Hindi)   🔹4. Scalping Strategy :    • Playlist   ⭐ In this video I am sharing about "What is inducement & IDM in forex?" Like and share the video and subscribe to the channel to become a Forex trader. ⭐ FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM Instagram -   / smartmoneyteaching   Disclaimer: "THIS IS NOT A FINANCIAL ADVICE" Everything shared in this video and this channel ( Smart Money Teaching ) is simply for educational and informational purposes only and by no means requires any actions. Trading and Investment within any kind of financial market involves risk so make sure any investment or trades you participate in is at your own risk you are the only person responsible for the risk and actions that you are taking in this financial market. Past profits and Trades don't guarantee future success. It is very important to understand that trading & investment is not a game or sport. "TRADING IS NOT A GET-RICH-QUICK SCHEME". #smartmoneyconceptstrategy #Advancesmartmoneyconcept #advancesmc #advancesmccourse #inducment #inducementsmc #inducementliquidity #smc