The Legend of Korra -3x5 " The Metal Clan" REACTION!

The Legend of Korra -3x5 " The Metal Clan" REACTION!

OOOOH BABY WE GOING TO ZAOFU!!!! WE GET TO MEET SOME NEW CHARACTERS AND SEE SOME OLD ONES - VARRICK IS BACK!! YESSS!!! #legendofkorra #book3 #zuko #zaheer #korra #bolin WE HAVE A DISCORD!!!   / discord   Check out our Patreon!   / the354squad   Check out our Instagram @the354squad DA CREW KENDELL | INSTA @flyerthanabyrd22 | TWITTER @flylikeabyrd22 CARENE | INSTA @carenerose | TWITTER @carenerose BUKOLA | INSTA @bukolaogunmola Edited by Kendell