Fruits Name in Hindi and English||फलों के नाम||50 fruits name||kids video||spelling||masti me seekho
Fruits Name in Hindi and English||फलों के नाम||50 fruits name||kids video||spelling||masti me seekho #kidsvideo #youtube #english #learn #child #vocabulary #faststudy #fruit #fruits #fruitsnamesinenglish #foodnames #phalonkenaam#phalonkenaamhindiaurenglishmein #phalonkenaamhindimein #mango #banana #apple#orange #grape #pear#allfruitsname #wordmeaning #mastimeseekho fruits name in Hindi and English,fruits name,फलों के नाम, 20 fruits, fruits vocabulary, 50 common fruits name in English with pictures, 50 fruit name in English and Hindi, 50 fruits name in English and Hindi with PDF, falon Ke Naam, फलों के नाम हिन्दी और अंग्रेजी में, fruits name with spelling, fruit names in Hindi, Hindi fruits names, fruits name in English, fruit name 10,fruit name 20,fruit name 50,fruits name, fruit name 15,fruit name Hindi English, fruit name only, fruits name only, English fruit name, one fruit name with picture, fruit name with spelling,fruit name with Fact and picture, fruits List of 50 fruits name:- apple, banana, mango, Orange, pineapple, watermelon, papaya, guava, pomegranate, grapes, peach, Apricot, kiwi, Cherry, strawberry, Blackberry, Black plum, coconut, lychee, Mulberry, custard appple, rasp berry, sweet lime, cashew Apple, Indian gooseberry ,Cranberry, Blueberry, Olive, parisiman, water chestnut, wood Apple, Star fruits, Kadamba fruits, Jackfruits, sweet potato, turmeric, Jujube, dates, cucumber, sugarcane, muskmelon, Rose Apple, black nightshade, ice apple, nance, bilimbi, Malabar tamarind, green apple. is video mein aapko 50 fruit ke name English aur Hindi mein Milenge jisse bacche falon ka naam aasani se Sikh Payenge aur use Yad kar Payenge aur ismein figure ke sath bataya Gaya Hai jisse bacche falon ko pahchan bhi Payenge. Please like share subscribe my channel Thanks for watching.