30 Min TOTAL ARM WORKOUT WITH DUMBBELLS (Biceps, Triceps + Shoulders)

30 Min TOTAL ARM WORKOUT WITH DUMBBELLS (Biceps, Triceps + Shoulders)

🔥 Build strength, muscle, and power from home! The 8 Week Stronger Challenge is your no-excuses program to get results with just dumbbells and bodyweight. Ready to level up? https://www.solin.stream/tiffxdan/pro... This arm workout with dumbbells focuses on strengthening and toning your biceps, triceps and shoulders. With 30 minutes of nothing but arm exercises to test your endurance and arm strength, this workout will give your arms the pump they need! Repeat this workout weekly, increasing the weight of your dumbbells slightly, for more muscle growth. Workout details below. ⚡️ My go-to protein powder, aminos & creatine: https://bit.ly/GetKion for 20% off ⚡️ Sign up for our FREE newsletter https://bit.ly/TxDnewsletter ⚡️ Shop our LTK https://www.shopltk.com/explore/TIFFxDAN ⚡️ Our Amazon Must-Haves https://www.amazon.com/shop/tiffxdan BECOME A PREMIUM MEMBER - https://bit.ly/TIFFxDANjoin Get early access to our latest workouts, ad-free and timer-only videos, and help support our channel. 🎥 YouTube Subscribe: https://bit.ly/TIFFxDAN ⭐️ Premium YouTube Membership: https://bit.ly/TIFFxDANjoin 📸 Instagram: https://bit.ly/TIFFxDANIG 📱 TikTok: https://bit.ly/TIFFxDANTT 🎶 Our Music: https://bit.ly/TIFFxDANmusic FREE HOME WORKOUT PROGRAMS 💾 6 Week Shred I Playlist: https://bit.ly/6WeekShred1 💾 6 Week Shred II Playlist: https://bit.ly/6WeekShred2 💾 6 Week Shred III Playlist: https://bit.ly/6WeekShred3 💾 Shredded: 2 Week Ab Challenge: https://bit.ly/ShreddedChallenge 💾 Sculpted Core: 2 Week Ab Challenge: https://bit.ly/UnbreakableCoreChallenge * * * WORKOUT DETAILS ⏱️ Duration: 30 Minutes 🏋️ Equipment: Multiple sets of dumbbells (I'm using 10lb - 30lb dumbbells - see exercises below for specific weight recommendations), and a mat. ⏱️ Intervals: 40 Seconds Work, 20 Seconds Rest The exercises for this arm workout at home are listed below: 00:00 Get Ready! 00:20 - Alternating ISO Curls (25lbs) 01:20 - Tricep Kickbacks (15lbs) 02:20 - Alternating Shoulder Press (25lbs) 03:20 - Alternating ISO Curls (25lbs) 04:20 - Tricep Kickbacks (15lbs) 05:20 - Alternating Shoulder Press (25lbs) 06:20 - Alternating Hammer Curls (25lbs) 07:20 - Overhead Tricep Extensions (25lbs) 08:20 - Alternating Lateral to Front Raises (15lbs) 09:20 - Alternating Hammer Curls (25lbs) 10:20 - Overhead Tricep Extensions (25lbs) 11:20 - Alternating Lateral to Front Raises (15lbs) 12:20 - 1-1/2 Curls (25lbs) 13:20 - Tricep Dips 14:20 - Arnold Press (25lbs) 15:20 - 1-1/2 Curls (25lbs) 16:20 - Tricep Dips 17:20 - Arnold Press (25lbs) 18:20 - Wide + Narrow Hammer Curls (25lbs) 19:20 - Skullcrushers (25lbs) 20:20 - Upright Rows (25lbs) 21:20 - Wide + Narrow Hammer Curls (25lbs) 22:20 - Skullcrushers (25lbs) 23:20 - Upright Rows (25lbs) 24:20 - Alternating Cross Body Curls (25lbs) 25:20 - Dumbbell Push Ups 26:20 - External Rotation + Shoulder Press (10lbs) 27:20 - Alternating Cross Body Curls (25lbs) 28:20 - Dumbbell Push Ups 29:20 - External Rotation + Shoulder Press (10lbs) FINISHER - 30 seconds each, no rest between exercises 30:20 - Upper/lower pause curls (20lbs) 30:50 - Diamond push ups (bodyweight) 31:20 - Sitting press (20lbs) * * * Thanks for supporting our YouTube channel. We couldn’t do any of this without you! TIFF x DAN * * * DISCLAIMER: Before starting any workout, consult your doctor to ensure it's safe for you. Understand that participation in any exercise carries inherent risks of injury. By engaging in this video's exercises, you acknowledge these risks and voluntarily assume full responsibility, releasing TIFF x DAN from any liability for potential harm. Some video links are affiliate links, meaning we may earn a small commission on qualifying purchases. Your decision to purchase is always your own, and your support is greatly appreciated!