The Minecraft Movie Trailer Reaction

The Minecraft Movie Trailer Reaction

Uh............meow? Today is not a good day to have eyes, let me tell you. Oh, dear lord this trailer looks like garbage. Someone shoot me before April 3 please, so I don't have to see this trainwreck. This movie is probably going to suck so hard that it'll make 9-year-old or 10-year-old me wish I never played this game in the first place, let alone adore it to an unhealthy degree. In all honesty this trailer gives me the impression that the movie is going to be AT ITS ABSOLUTE BEST, the textbook definition of mediocre (like something on par with The Knuckles Show), and AT ITS ABSOLUTE WORST it'll be the near worst movie I've ever seen. The backgrounds look cool though, half the character designs look okay, and some of the Minecraft logic incorporated into this movie looks alright. Everything else though, I don't really want to talk about it. At least The Mario Movie respected what made Mario a fantastic game franchise, even if it respects it too much in some scenes (I still really enjoy that though, I think I'll give it more respect for what it was compared to this). Even Sonic works well enough on its own (the sequels more so as pretty good adaptations). But this? This feels like it was made for Wanker Bros and Microshit executives only. Also, sorry my microphone quality is bad, I don't have very good equipment. It's better than this movie though.