Oflox tablet | Ofloxacin tablet ip 200mg in hindi | Zenflox 400mg | uses | dose | Oflomac tablet |

Oflox tablet | Ofloxacin tablet ip 200mg in hindi | Zenflox 400mg | uses | dose | Oflomac tablet |

Ofloxacin is a broad-spectrum fluoraoquinolone antibiotic medicine. uses to treat bacterial infection. Ofloxacin can treat both the infectious disease of gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Ofloxacine tablet are available in different strength such as Ofloxacin 100 mg tablet Ofloxacin 200 mg tablet Ofloxacin 400 mg tablet Ofloxacin tablet brand name are Oflox tablet Oflomac tablet Zenflox tablet Zenocin tablet Zo tablet Ofloxacin tablet average price of all brands are ofloxacin 100 mg tablet ₹3-5 / ofloxacin 200 mg tablet price ₹5-8 / ofloxacin 400 mg tablet price ₹11-27. Ofloxacin tablet is used to treat the following diseases such as 1. COPD 2. Community acquired Pneumoia 3. Skin infection (except Syphillis) 4. Epididymitis 5. UTI 6. Prostatitis 7. Pelvic inflammatory disease 8. Infectious diarrhoea 9. Traveller's diarrhoea Ofloxacin tablet contraindication are 1. Hypersensitive to Fluroquinolone 2. Liver disease 3. Psychiatric illness 4. Epilepsy/ Seizure 5. Pregnancy/ Breastfeeding 6. History of myasthenia gravis Ofloxacin tablet side effects Abdominal pain Headache White spot on face & tongue Fever / Chill Black & teary stool Dark urine Blood in stool/urine Chest tightness Joint pain Nausea, vomiting Irreversible side effects are 1. Tindinitis 2. Tendon rupture 3. Peripheral neuropathy 4. CNS effects We also discuss about ofloxacin tablet Group Strength Brand name Uses in detail Dosage Contraindications Side effects and many more in hindi. Like share, sucscribe LEARN ABOUT MEDICINE #ofloxacintablet #drtrust #ofloxacin #ofloxtablet #oflomactablet #zenfloxtablet ofloxacin tablet ip 200mg in hindi, ofloxacin tablet ip 400mg in hindi, ofloxacin tablet uses, ofloxacin & metronidazole suspension, ofloxacin and ornidazole tablets, ofloxacin oral suspension, ofloxacin and ornidazole tablets ip used in hindi, ofloxacin and ornidazole tablet uses, oflox oz, zenflox 200 mg tablet, oflox oz tablets used in hindi, oflox 200 tablet uses, oflomac 200 tablet uses in hindi, oflomac oz tablet, ofloxacin oral solution oflomac, ofloxacin, ofloxacin tablet, ofloxacin tablet ip 200 mg in hindi, ofloxacin tablet ip 400 mg, ofloxacin tablets ip zenflox 200, ofloxacin 200 mg tablet uses in hindi, ofloxacin 200 mg, ofloxacin 200, ofloxacin 200 tablet, ofloxacin 400 mg tablet uses in hindi, ofloxacin 400, ofloxacin 400 mg uses, oflox tablet, oflox 200 tablet, ofloxacin 100 mg, oflox 200, oflox 400, zenflox tablet, ofloxacin 200mg, zenflox 200, ofloxacin tablet uses, zenocin tablet, ofloxacin ornidazole tablets, ofloxacin ornidazole tablets ip, ofloxacin ornidazole tablets ip uses hindi, ofloxacin ornidazole tablets lp, ofloxacin ornidazole tablets 500 mg, ofloxacin & ornidazole tablets ip o2 uses in hindi, ofloxacin & ornidazole tablets ip uses in kannada, ofloxacin & ornidazole tablets o2, ofloxacin & ornidazole tablets hindi, cipla ofloxacin and ornidazole tablets, o2 tablet, zenflox oz, oflox oz tablet uses in hindi, #Medicines, #Career counsling, #Docters, antibiotics pharmacology, antibiotics classification, cefixime and ofloxacin tablets uses, cefixime and ofloxacin tablets uses in hindi, cefixime and ofloxacin tablets ip 200 mg used for, cefixime, cefixime tablets ip 200 mg used for, cefixime dispersible tablets 200mg, dose of cefixime per kg body weight, child dose of Antibiotics *** IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTION, YOU CAN ALSO COMMENT BELOW. I WILL TRY TO ANSWER ALL YOUR QUERIES. ———————————————————————————— IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER - The information contained in the Video Content posted on Dr Trust YouTube channel represents the personal views and opinions of the original creator based on the research and information present in various websites, books, journals and research papers.and does not necessarily represent a professional openion. The Video Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read, heared or seen on this channel. Wishing you good health, fitness and happiness. #drtrust #albendazole #augmentin #dolo650