| Daily Reflections November 26 | AA | Alcoholics Anonymous | Quit Addiction |
Welcome to ican: Daily Reflections for Alcoholics Anonymous. NOVEMBER 26 THE HAZARDS OF PUBLICITY People who symbolize causes and ideas fill a deep human need. We of A.A. do not question that. But we do have to soberly face the fact that being in the public eye is hazardous, especially for us. TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS, page 181 As a recovered alcoholic I must make an effort to put into practice the principles of the AA. program, which are founded on honesty, truth and humility. While I was drinking I was constantly trying to be in the limelight. Now that I am conscious of my mistakes and of my former lack of integrity, it would not be honest to seek prestige, even for the justifiable purpose of promoting the A.A. message of recovery. Is the publicity that centers around the A.A. Fellowship and the miracles it produces not worth much more? Why not let the people around us appreciate by themselves the changes that A.A. has brought in us, for that will be a far better recommendation for the Fellowship than any I could make.