PERIODIC TABLE in ONE SHOT || All Concepts, Tricks & PYQ || Ummeed NEET
For NOTES & DPPs : https://physicswallah.onelink.me/ZAZB... ☝️☝️☝️ Timestamps - 00:00 - Introduction 01:29 - Topics to be covered 02:49 - Introduction to periodic table 49:36 - Electronic configuration 1:10:56 - Block wise electronic configuration 1:40:09 - Period, group and block identification 1:55:36 - IUPAC naming of elements having Z .100 1:58:54 - Questions 2:28:43 - Screening effect and Zeff 2:51:52 - Size(Radius) 3:02:51 - Ionic radius 3:37:51 - Ionizaion enthalpy 4:19:06- Electron gain enthalpy 4:45:10 - Electronegativity 5:05:10 - Genesis of periodic classification 5:18:50 - Thank You Bacchon #AlakhSir #NEET #PeriodicTable #PhysicsWallah