고양이가 좋아하는 행동 7가지 #shorts
고양이가 좋아하는 행동 7가지 백두(남) : 첫째. 백두산처럼 크고 튼튼하게 자라다오. 2019 9월 2일 출생. 믹스견 가정분양. 금강이(남) : 우리집 둘째. 금강산처럼 예쁘게 자라다오. 2019 11월 2일 출생. 스티로폼에 버려진 유기묘 코숏치즈냥이. 한라(여): 우리집 막내. 한라산처럼 아름답게 자라다오~ 2020 11월 9일 출생. Baekdu (male): First. Growing up as big and strong as Mt. Baekdu. Born September 2, 2019. Mix. Baekdu loves people and is full of energy Geumgang (male): The second of our house. Grow up as pretty as Mt. Geumgang. Born November 2, 2019. korean short hair An abandoned cat on Styrofoam Box in cold winter. A beautiful cat who falls in love once you see it. dog and cat brother story Halla (female): youngest. Grow up as beautiful as Mt. Halla Born on November 9th, 2020. 집사 블로그 blog : https://blog.naver.com/cosmopolitan-ksj 집사 인스타 insta : / kkoby_kkoby