Sound Deadening a Car Where It Actually Makes a Difference!
Using sound deadener in a car will definitely make the sound system sound better but does using sound deadening mats in a vehicle actually make it quieter inside the cabin? Ill talk about that and also where exactly to install the sound deadening material in the vehicle to take full advantage of the sound reducing qualities. Ill also touch on the difference between the mat insulation like second skin or dynamat versus a spray on sound deadener like boom mat spray to Reduce unwanted road noise and vibration, even in hard-to-reach places. Links to the soundproofing products I talk about in this video. All links are from Amazon and are affiliate links which helps my content at no extra cost to you. Thank you! MY AMAZON STOREFRONT - https://amzn.to/47kB5gr 1. Boom Mat Spray On Sound Deadener - https://amzn.to/3KIoriX 2. Dynamat Sound deadening Mats - https://amzn.to/3trNCgq 3. Amazon Basic Sound Deadening Material - https://amzn.to/3AdwQFz 4. Application Roller - https://amzn.to/3Uxi0BZ Link to my vehicle soundproofing Playlist - • Playlist https://soundproofguide.com/how-much-...